Brad Sucks! wsg Halifax Rap Legend Jesse Dangerously

The Rainbow Bistro, 76 Murray Street, Byward Market/ Ottawa

Brad Sucks has been releasing catchy, electronic-tinged indie rock since 2001, producing four albums to date: I Don’t Know What I’m Doing (2003), Out of It (2008), Guess Who’s a Mess (2012), and A New Low in Hi-Fi (2021). Coming to international attention with his home-recorded songs and ironic charm, Brad Sucks has been streamed millions of times and featured worldwide in television, commercials, and film.

Recently his music was was featured in the Netflix series Bee & PuppyCat and he completed reissuing all of his albums on vinyl. In 2023 Brad Sucks will be performing streaming concerts and doing some limited in-person concerts to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his first album I Don’t Know What I’m Doing while he works on new material on his Patreon.

Performing for the first time with his full live band since 2019, expect a high energy show bringing his classic home-recorded songs to life.

It’ll be the full Brad Sucks experience with the full band (Ben, Justin and Steve) making me sound better than I have any right to. As well as special guest Halifax Rap Legend Jesse Dangerously opening the night!

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