Leslie Rohonczy ‘Coaching Life’ Book Release & Live Performance

Rainbow Bistro, 76 Murray Street/ Byward Market, Ottawa, Ont.

Monday, September 25 th Rainbow Bistro, 76 Murray St. Ottawa Book/Audio Book Launch with Performance 5pm to 8pm This new book, Coaching Life, by Ottawa author and certified Master Coach Leslie Rohonczy is the first of its kind that we know of, to blend coaching stories, insights, and practices with the professional music from seven of her original albums that were inspired by real coaching clients. Leslie just left a career as Export Development Canada (EDC)’s Corporate Coach to focus on helping others as an Executive Coach, while still producing music, to blend her creative purpose. The book launch and live music performance will be held at the Rainbow Bistro, one of the most historic venues in Ottawa’s ByWard Market, with an open party to the public from 5-8pm. We are also announcing the launch of the Coaching Life Audiobook that evening, and Leslie will perform some of the songs featured in the book. Coaching Life contains real coaching practices to help readers grow their self-awareness, achieve their goals, and connect more powerfully with others. Each of Coaching Life’s 22 chapters opens with an original song that was inspired by real clients’ stories and coaching programs. Each chapter contains useful information about life’s most common coaching topics, with models, tips, and life hacks that readers and listeners can use. Find information at www.leslierohonczy.com or visit Amazon.ca to purchase Coaching Life in paperback. And the Coaching Life audiobook will become available on Audible during the launch party on September 25, 2023.